Vignesh Sundaresan, aka Metakovan, is a blockchain technologist. He is invested in exploring the extended and 'alternative' possibilities of this emerging technology. The rhizomatic decentralised network, conceptually and operationally shapes his approach.

His endeavour is in seeking art and related world building experiences in the digital sphere. In attempting to understand art's social function and various ways of artistic dissemination, he has ventured into identifying new channels for perceiving knowledge assemblages embedded in artistic and research based processes.

Metakovan as a collector and as one who commissions artistic productions, is interested in new media practices and primarily in imagining digital immersive experiences. His artistic cultural collaborations are efforts to shape linkages between expanded notions of art production and technology. Here he conceives NFTs as time and knowledge stamps, to register crucial socio-cultural happenings, as documents.

In practice he recognizes NFTs as a digital responsibility, to sustain its persistence, to imagine its accessibility and in also finding new ways of activation. He has adopted blockchain technology, over other centralised storage or provenance providers, to shape persistence through self-hosted, peer to peer networks. With growing technological access and data generation, he sees NFTs as ethical chronicles, operating as critical data markers.



Today data is being generated on an exhaustive scale, who then are the custodians of this shared cultural material? How does the ‘present’ get archived? What stays and what perrishes? In the case of documenting art and the ephemeral nature of the various associated interactions, Metarium presents itself as micro ecosystems of data storage.

Metarium is an emerging data managing and marking tool. It houses an imagination of building and shaping a personal archive of data. It is a custom designed blockchain template, envisaging its potent time stamping trait. Presented as a listing, transparent, encapsulating valuable information. Metarium is designed to be deployed as an associate for any individual, to facilitate logging, documenting and for self-validating their work. Metarium can also accommodate an amplified expansion, as the probabilities of ‘encounters’ with peers is a latent possibility.

The decisions on preserving the packets of knowledge, can be made as meaning around a social object or happening, in this case including art and related practices, takes shape gradually. Here Metarium can be a tool that prescribes to mediate over the various data generated around a practice or project, by conscientiously organising  data as it is generated.  This specialised data sequence then will socially sustain itself through technological persistence, for further accessibility and with the prospect of retrievability in the future.

In imagining a proposition for an exercise in meaning making, for a custodian of art engaging with a dynamic object, that accumulates data, memory and meaning, Metarium can become a valuable digital catalogue.


Based in Singapore, Onemai, mediates relationships and processes, within and outside of the scope of Art Production. It aims to expand on notions around practice, research, making, sharing and experiencing. In laying out a temporal forum for experimental knowledge production, Onemai actively contemplates and aspires to nurture renewed networks.

Onemai proposes to build collaborative working, sharing relationships with institutions with defined approaches to imagine the future. These possibilities include the disciplines of technology, data management and art. Here art will be understood as an expanded realm, touching upon multidisciplinary practices.

Onemai chain, one of many deliberations of the Metarium blockchain template, records and timestamps of digital objects, also as an arrangement of sequential data markers. These ‘markers’ are the registers, reflecting the various points of interactions and interventions. Onemai chain, in accumulating these registers takes the shape of the archival backbone of the backend documentation.

